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Eddie Osborne profile piece


(WARRENSBURG, Mo.) – Many people cringe at the mere thought of election time. Negative campaigning and unending conflicts between political parties can make it difficult to assess the candidates. However, one local man’s vision of public servitude may soon change this trend in Missouri. A self-proclaimed statesman, whose mission is to listen, support and serve his district.

Eddie Osborne (I-Mo) is a long-time Johnson County resident who is running for state representative in District 54. Osborne is known by many people throughout the community. His commitment to volunteering has fostered numerous relationships among his constituents. Whenever possible, his time is dedicated to organizations like the Warrensburg Senior Center, Johnson County Historical Society and the Survival Adult Abuse Center. Osborne also produces the Eclectic Cafe radio program and concert series for 90.9 The Bridge.

Early in his life Osborne was a sports enthusiast. It wasn’t until 1964, when he saw the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show, that his passion for music developed. This is what led him to hosting and currently producing the Eclectic Cafe.

“I am not the greatest guitar player, so producing the program allows me to fulfill a performance need, as well as an opportunity to share my love for music,” says Osborne.

Osborne was born in Maryville, Mo. in 1951. Around the age of 7 his father accepted a job that required the family relocate to Blairstown, Mo. This is where he attended grade school and enjoyed childhood revelry. Osborne attended high school in Chilhowee, Mo. During this time he was able to gain an understanding of responsibility and work ethic on his family’s farm.

“While both of my parents have been very influential in my life, my father was my number one role model,” Osborne says. “He would tell me, ‘You can only take credit for what you do right if you take responsibility for what you do wrong.’ My dad instilled in me the belief that I am as good as anyone, better than no one.”

Osborne has been a very busy man since his high school days. Nearly 40 years have been dedicated to the hospitality industry. This experience provided him with the knowledge required to start his own business, Hospitality and Nutrition Consulting Services. One of Osborne’s colleagues is Barb Rhodes. Rhodes met Osborne in the early 1990s when he was catering an event for her son’s sports team.

“Eddie’s best quality is his integrity. He is very clear about seeing his responsibility as representing the people of District 54. Eddie will not be swayed by outside sources and will make decisions based on the people’s voice and his conscience,” Rhodes said.

Osborne’s campaign slogan is People Before Politics. Lisa Irle, curator for the Johnson County Historical Society, has worked with Osborne during his time volunteering.

“Eddie’s community efforts show what an exemplary team player he is. Always willing to listen, he will pay attention to the people’s concerns and genuinely care about addressing them,” says Irle.

Osborne believes running independently will allow him to do so.

“A two-party system indicates that it’s either this way or that way. As a public servant, I am not working for a particular party. I am working for the people of the district. I don’t think any particular party has exclusive proprietorship of patriotism,” Osborne said.

Nineteenth century minister, James Freeman Clarke, once said,

“A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman of the next generation. A politician looks for the success of his party; a statesman for that of his country. The statesman wishes to steer, while the politician is satisfied to drift.” Osborne embodies his spirit.

“I think of myself as a statesman and not a politician. A public servant for the people of District 54,” says Osborne.

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